

The first English speaking Seeach Sod mothers' group was held on 18-11-13 at 9:30 Am at Angeles' Bakery on Confay Nasharim.  There were 15 mothers who attended and Rabbanut Rivka Bergtstein made over 50 phone calls to connect and invite the mothers from Seeach Sod.  One of our donors came and we sat together.  She enjoyed the group so much she said, "this is the biggest mitzvah I have ever done with the least amount of money.  I helped 15 amazing women have a wonderful breakfast and group therapy."



The mothers' all shared the same language and cultural background. Even though their children were of all different ages and levels of functioning they all endured being rejected by society; people crossing the street when they saw their special needs child, going to the park and people leaving because of their child. They shared all this at the group and how people took advantage of their fragile child. 



One very positive feeling they all stated and were very grateful for was Rav. Shimon Levy and Dr. Weil.  They each told their personal story of how their life was given back to them because Seeach Sod took in their child to its school or Diyur.  How grateful they were and how much kindness and dedication they witness from Seeach Sod.  Their child was finally given the dignity he deserved and they were given a feeling that he was in a good safe place where he could grow and develop at his speed.



At the meeting every mother was given the time and attention to tell her story and to hear the journeys of the other Seeach Sod Mothers.  One mother shared how she wanted to put her son in the Seeach Sod Diyur after 30 year it had all gotten to be too much for her to care for him at home. Other mothers shared how grateful they were for the diyur and how it made them and their child both grow in a positive way.  



After the meeting ended at 11:30 all the women left full of good food, a feeling of being understood and supported and making new connections with other Seeach Sod Moms.  They all stated they would love to meet again and they enjoyed the gathering very much.   


Personally I enjoyed running the group with Rabbanit Rivka Bergtstein, very much and it was an honor to hear from the mothers how much they love Seeach Sod.  To me it was a reality check of what a great place I am working at and how dedicated and professional the staff is. 



Doreen Winter MSW