

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000



Letter from mother

To all of my dear friends at Seeach Sod,  and most of all to my dear "sisters",  the wonderful mothers who comprise the support group:  I am so fortunate to be a part of such a fantastic group of women.  Thank you Lee for your ongoing support,  to Rivka for coordinating our get-togethers,  and to Doreen for always coming up with a great topic for each meeting.  Lakey,  the fact that you come when you are so busy shows how important this endeavor is to you.  I am sure that all the participating mothers will agree with me that no matter how frustrating our mornings may be,  we leave the meetings with smiles on our faces.  May Hshem grant you all (and those employees whom I have not mentioned)  Siyatta Dishmaya to continue your holy work,  to help the precious children of Seeach Sod as well as their parents. 


Most of all,  may this chodesh hageula indeed be one of geula so that we will see the fulfillment of the possuk in sefer Micha,  כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות, that Hshem will show us miracles and wonders as when we left Mitzrayim. 


I wish you all a חג כשר ושמח.   Enjoy your families,  including the precious,  special needs children.  And may Hshem give us all the strength to persevere and get through it all with simcha!!!!! 


Love to all, 


Tzirel Friedman 

Shapell's Talmid, Eric Krieger

On Friday November 6th, eleven students from Shapell’s / Darche Noam visited Seeach Sod, a prominent special education organization that caters to the needs of many children and adults with severe mental and physical challenges. The Shapell’s students sang, danced, learned, and schmoozed with the Seeach Sod residents. It was a fun and rewarding experience for everyone who participated.

When the Shapell’s students arrived, the Rabbis and administrators welcomed them to a big breakfast, where they sat around a long table and met some of the residents. Shapells’ Michael Gorshein shared a Dvar Torah (in Hebrew) followed by a Dvar Torah from one of the students at Seeach Sod. Even though the Seeach Sod student seemed a little nervous, he still managed to finish his speech. Everybody listening gave him a nice round of applause and many Yasher Koachs. The young man had a million dollar smile on his face. You could tell how much it meant to him that he got up and spoke words of Torah in front of a large audience.

After breakfast the Shapell’s guys went with the Seeach Sod guys into the party room. Everybody danced together to the loud music. There were smiles everywhere while everyone in the room held hands and danced in circles. At the end, one of the adults with special needs went up to a few of the Shapell’s guys and told them that he had a great time.

While the Shapell’s guys were walking up the stairs to the next activity, they met one of the teachers and her student. The teacher said that her student had trouble communicating and making eye contact, but that she was learning different independence skills. The way the teacher talked about her student was very special. She emphasized more on what she can do than what she can’t.

One of the last activities took place in a classroom for children with severe learning challenges. The teacher in the class told us that not too long ago, many of his students there weren’t even able to speak, but with hard work and dedication, the teacher taught them how to read by assigning a picture for each letter in the alphabet. By following the teacher's hand motions, one of the students explained in front of the whole class how the Torah was passed down from Moshe to the Anshei Kenesset haGedolah. It was amazing to see and hear what the students were learning and how much hard work it took for them to acquire what they learned.

The Shapell’s students learned a lot from their experience at Seeach Sod. They also had a great time dancing and enjoying the pre Shabbos ruach with new friends, regardless of their challenges. Every human being has his or her own unique characteristics and struggles, and we should love everybody as we love ourselves

Simon & Rivka Levin

Chaya Malka

Dear Rivka, Lea, Shula, Doreen, Sarah and all the very kind volunteers.

I want to thank you from all the Mothers that were touched by this Chessed you provided.
Hashem arranged just the right amount of clouds and sky for us.
Our Limo was waiting on Yirmiyahoo. When we arrived, the Chesed volunteers were all busy helping get us to our chosen stations and therapies.
The expert Beaded Jewelry Designer, was so patient and giving of herself, explaining how to make a unique and beautiful bracelet the women were so proud to take home.  One Mom mentioned to me how beading was indeed very relaxing.
It was really like being in a spa tucked away in a very private and nurturing place. Every where I turned, I felt as if I was looking at an other modern painting, calming spaces, sensing excitement in the air. Healthy and delicious treats adorned the table, at lunch there were omelets to order, salmon to snack, salads galore, kiesh, desserts, gifts and more.
The women were so refreshed and relaxed to be able to swim in the pool. Just looking at the beautiful blue of the shimmering water was a treat for me.
We really want to thank the ladies and young girls that gave up their day so we can feel loved and pampered and important.
Doreen has a way of inspiring us to share our very personal trials and triumphs and this week, miracles.
I cried to hear how Hashem seemed to have given our children small and large refuahs, after they and their families worked very hard at performing a mitzvah, writing a Sefer Torah, being particularly patient, working together to give support to others.
You see that for our children, even a small improvement enhances the their lives and ours so so much.
Again our deep appreciation for your help and sacrifice for our good, the good of the Jewish People, as we are one.

Shabbat Shalom

Much Love & Gratitude
Chaya Malka


Thank you for organizing such a wonderful evening for the ladies.
Now, I really feel bad that my daughter(s) didn't come!!! :)

You always manage to make the gatherings so elegant and warm, with the perfect combination of "gashmi and ruchani!"
The food was not only yummy, but presented so beautifully (as usual by you - no surprise!:)

But the highlight was Rebbetzin Meisels. What a dignified, special woman she is!
Everyone should hear her speak!!
I wish it was recorded; now I have to find out where and when she speaks. So if you know of such occasions, please update me. What chizuk!!

Thanks again, Rivka. I had such a wonderful evening (I had been out since about 8 am, but I'm so glad that I came!)

 Please tell your friend (in NY), that she did a giant chesed. It was so relaxing sitting in her home. May she be blessed with lots of brachot and simcha - H-shem should answer all her tefillot l'tova!

Thank you again for doing what you do and... doing it so well.





- Mother of student in Ma'as








Avner Zaken, Ministry of Welfare