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HomeNewsAround the YearFlowers of Torah Project at Otzar Yerushalayim

Flowers of Torah Project at Otzar Yerushalayim

The students at Otzar Yerushalayim are involved in a “Flowers of Torah” project, emphasizing interpersonal mitzvot, in anticipation of Shavuot, which celebrates the giving of the Torah. As part of the project, students prepared a beautiful wall decoration for the school hallway, portraying the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai Every good deed performed by a student at home or at school is recorded on a note and collected by his class, and at the end of the week, the class earns a flower for each note. Every Friday, students go to the hallway to hang up their class’s flowers. The class with the most flowers before Shavuot will win a prize! Har Sinai is already covered in beautiful flowers due to the efforts of our students.



In honor of Shavuot, each student will bring a bouquet of flowers home in honor of the holiday.


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