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HomeNewsCelebrations and EventsFirst-Graders’ Touching Siddur Party

First-Graders’ Touching Siddur Party

After months of preparation, the students of the four First Grades in Seeach Sod celebrated their big day – when they received their very first Siddur. The festive occasion was preceded by weeks of preparation during which they were taught about the value of the siddur and Tefillah.


From a comprehensive pamphlet compiled by pedagogical advisor Mrs. R. Shapiro and director of the early childhood division Mrs. S. Kaufman. The two classes of boys celebrated their party first, followed the next day by the girls’ party. The highlight of the party was an endearing performance that included a choir, pantomime and video presentation. The children wowed the crowd with their impressive performance. The performance concluded with the poignant scene of the children kissing their brand new siddurim lovingly as they were handed out to them.


May our tefillos be accepted on high, in the merit of their pure tefillos!


Many thanks to the outstanding teachers: A. Rosenzweig, A. Vaknin, R. Beckerman, M. Engel and the dedicated assistants. Credit is also due to the various staff members who helped make it a success: S. Elizada, R. Saadon, M. Ben Yisrael, A. Schreiber, S. Weisenstern.


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