

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Happy Birthday!

A, who lives in the Prupis St. apartment, recently celebrated a special birthday.

She was given the opportunity to choose who would be invited to the party, and personalized invitations were sent to the guests. She chose to celebrate her birthday at Waffle Bar, making the reservation herself and choosing the menu. It was amazing to see how A wanted to treat her friends and give them everything they could possibly want! Her friends returned the favor, making her party truly memorable. The apartment head surprised A by collecting special wishes from friends from afar, which made A very happy. The birthday event had a great effect on A’s self-confidence and her social standing.


The residents of the Mishol HaYe’ara apartment celebrated N’s birthday in her home, as her mother requested. N’s mother prepared delicious food and a fancy cake, and N’s joy knew no bounds!




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