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American Meetings & Greetings

Seeach Sod has been around for 45 years. However, when someone in America hears the name they ask with curiosity, "What's that? A restaurant in Israel?—is the food good?—worth my time?


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We are not new to Israel, but we are new to America. Our goal was to greet America and say, "Hello—nice to meet you—we are Seeach Sod and we operate five buildings, four schools, three vocational tracks for men and women, 35 group homes, a residential men's facility, with 1000 students, 700 staff members and well… it's so very nice to meet you."


On November 15th, 16th and 17th, Seeach Sod had parlor meetings in Monsey, the Five Towns and  Los Angeles. Graciously hosted by Sheah and Brookie Silber (Monsey), Ronen and Devora Borochov (Cedarhurst) and Yisroel and Miriam Feiner (LA), Seeach Sod held its first three parlor meeting in the USA.


In the NY meetings Rabbi Paysach Krohn was the honored speaker for both evenings and his words instilled within all guests a feeling of responsibility and personal connection to the mission of Seeach Sod. He shared beautiful stories about hatzalas nefashos, saving lives, which begins slowly with seeds being planted and then results in magnificent gardens blooming thereafter; he explained how Seeach Sod has done and is doing the same. Rabbi Naftali Reich also joined the Monsey event MCing the evening's event, along with other highly esteemed residents of the town.


In LA, there was a personal touch. Mrs. Feiner's (hostess) brother, Eliyahu Kopilowitz, has been in Seeach Sod for more than 30 years! Rabbi Yaakov Gruen, who was the speaker of the evening, is the father of two children in Seeach Sod programming. He spoke to the audience with a  heartfelt sincerity imbuing a feeling of connection between every single person sitting in the room with Seeach Sod's children and adults. Nearly 100 people attended the LA event where they enjoyed a gorgeous buffet. Doron Jacobius, a prominent LA figure, MC'd the evening for which we are grateful.


In all three evenings, Rabbi Shimon Levy, the CEO of Seeach Sod who came from Israel, also shared a few words. A very moving five-minute film about Seeach Sod was shown and in addition, each guest was given reading material to take home (pamphlets entitled “Project Admor M’Boyan”), along with a gift — a beautiful box of fragrant soaps that were manufactured and packaged by the women in Seeach Sod’s vocational program.


The intention of the trip to the Unites States was to carry Seeach Sod on a silver platter to the Jews of America, and all three locations did a magnificent job embracing us as an organization along with our mission! We profusely thank all those who made the night so meaningful including our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Kurant, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Naftali Reich, Rabbi and Mrs. Gruen, and Doron Jacobius. We also thank all those who attended the evening and to all those that donated to our cause.

We hope that now when someone hears "Seeach Sod"…they will say, "Ooooh, I know that place! They are an incredible organization in Eretz Yisrael that takes care of 1000 special needs girls and boys, men and women, all ages, in all stages of life…"