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HomeNewsStories of Light and Darkness
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 11:03

Stories of Light and Darkness


Chanukah is the story of the triumph of light over darkness. In a time of spiritual darkness, when it seemed that the light of Torah would be extinguished, Hashem rekindled that light for us. So this is the time for us to also appreciate you, our snoezelen supporters. 


You are a bright light in the lives of so many people. To fully appreciate the light you have spread by building a snoezelen room, please enjoy the stories of Rachel and Shmuel. 



Rachel’s First Steps

The snoezelen room in Seeach Sod’s therapeutic day-care center is home to a very special mommy-and-me program. Mothers and babies play together, experiencing the lights and sounds together.

Rachel was fearful of the world outside of the arms of her loving mother, and at the age of three she did not walk or talk. Sharing the womblike darkened space of the snoezelen room with her mother, and playing with the beautiful lights together brought about a transformation.

Rachel began to explore this small world around her mother and to open up that that world. She finally took her first steps – in the snoezelen room. Her first words followed not long after.



Shmuel’s Plan

Shmuel an adult who spends his weekdays at the Seeach Sod day center in Jerusalem. He is verbal and social and enjoys spending time with his group. He also struggles with personal space and boundaries.

“It became clear that we would not be able to keep him at the center if his behavior did not change.” Relates Moshe, the director of the center. “We created an individual plan for Shmule to help him develop his awareness and control. We sat down to talk with him in my office, but he couldn’t stay focused long enough to have the conversation.”

The snoezelen room saved the day.

“We decided to try to speak with Shmuel in the snoezelen room. In the darkened room, watching the lights together, Shmuel was much more focused and he agreed to the plan. It was a turning point for Shmuel and we worked together towards our goal. Shmuel succeeded in changing his behavior and we are all so glad to have him in the center!."