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HomeNewsCheder Otzar Yerushalayim Celebrates the Annual Otzar HaShabbos Program
Thursday, 23 March 2023 09:09

Cheder Otzar Yerushalayim Celebrates the Annual Otzar HaShabbos Program

With tremendous excitement, the students of Otzar Yerushalayim prepared for their mock Shabbos seudah – a highlight of the annual "Otzar HaShabbos" program.


The first graders prepared the dessert; the second graders prepared placemats; the third graders prepared individual bags of nosh l'kavod Shabbos; and the fifth graders folded the napkins and set the beautiful tables.  


It was time to begin. The boys wore white shirts and the "waiters" wore ties, too. Then everyone sat down excitedly around the beautifully set tables. There were white tablecloths, candles, bechers and pretty napkins.


To help create a "real" Shabbos atmosphere, the students first watched a video detailing the preparations for Shabbos and the Shabbos seudah. Then, as the "siren" sounded, informing one and all that it was time to light the Shabbos candles, the candle-lighting commenced as everyone sang together "Vezakeini legadel…"


Next, the students went to "shul" to daven Kabbalas Shabbos. They sang Lecha Dodi together with lots of excitement.


One of the students made Kiddush as everyone listened respectfully and responded with a resounding "Amen!", and then gave out wine in small cups to all the participants. The students washed their hands and cut the "challahs", enjoying the delicious salad spread on the tables. Shabbos zemiros were sung as the meal was served, and two students shared wonderful divrei Torah. Every student received a bag of nosh to enjoy for their oneg Shabbos.


The meal drew to a close. Dessert was served and everyone bentched Bircas Hamazon.


The students were extremely excited throughout the event. They behaved beautifully and made the staff very proud.

Before they went home, the students received special magnets with Shabbos preparation reminders to hang on the fridge.

May we always merit to greet Shabbos with so much joy!



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