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HomeNewsDay of Prayers for Fathers
Monday, 26 June 2023 10:43

Day of Prayers for Fathers

A special trip for fathers to kivrei tzaddikim in Northern Israel on erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan


On erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, hundreds of fathers of children with disabilities from Seeach Sod's various frameworks went on an exclusive trip to Northern Israel to daven at kivrei tzaddikim. The trip was part of Legadlem, an initiative by Seeach Sod to provide wide-ranging support for parents and families of children with special needs.

The trip included far more than just kivrei tzaddikim, accommodating all kinds of preferences and experiences. But the highlight was the concentrated "day of prayer", allowing the fathers to daven at various kivrei tzaddikim for their children and other family members.

The fathers visited the kever of Rabi Akiva, who was famous for his love of all of Am Yisrael. They also davened at the gravesites of Rabi Meir Baal Haness, the Shlah, and the Ramchal. Throughout the trip, they enjoyed the singing of the famous Neranenah choir, which accompanied them on their tour, and meaningful inspiration by rabbanim and other public figures.




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