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HomeNewsExuberant Hachnasas Sefer Torah Celebration in Yeshivah Otzar HaTorah – Bet Shemesh
Sunday, 19 November 2023 12:26

Exuberant Hachnasas Sefer Torah Celebration in Yeshivah Otzar HaTorah – Bet Shemesh

Amidst jubilant dancing and tremendous excitement, Yeshivah Otzar HaTorah joyously welcomed a new sefer Torah into its study hall, marking a major milestone in the development of this Bet Shemesh branch of Seeach Sod's yeshivos. The sefer Torah was generously donated by the Markowitz family of Florida in memory of their son, Yosef Refael z"l.


Following weeks of preparations, the students and their family members, the yeshivah management and staff members, and the donor and his family all gathered for a poignant ceremony celebrating the Torah with heartfelt enthusiasm.


Rabbi Meir Miller, the yeshivah menahel, expressed his feelings at the event: "In our yeshivah, the focal point of study is the Gemara, just like in every other yeshivah. I am delighted and moved when the students' love for the Torah emerges and becomes obvious like this. 'Orah zu Torah – Torah is light,' and I am confident that the yeshivah will now grow even stronger, drawing inspiration from the addition of the new sefer Torah into the yeshivah's study hall."


Rabbi Shimon Levy, CEO of Seeach Sod, added: "To be present here on this exciting day and to watch the precious boys in the yeshivah dancing around the sefer Torah with such infinite love underscores the profound impact of the yeshivah staff's work and how it guides the boys toward greater heights in Torah and yirah."



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