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HomeNewsSeeach Sod Maintains High Standards in Culture and Sports Too
Monday, 20 November 2023 10:17

Seeach Sod Maintains High Standards in Culture and Sports Too

Last Monday, Mickey Zohar, the Minister of Culture and Sports, visited several branches of Seeach Sod's institutions in Jerusalem.


During the visit, the minister emphasized the importance of nurturing culture as a significant tool for improving quality of life for everyone, and especially in populations with noticeable limitations which display higher achievements in the cultural realm than in other fields.


Culture is an integral part of Seeach Sod's educational and welfare frameworks. The professional and educational teams provide the best tools and lessons that will give the children the opportunity to grow and develop while maintaining a therapeutic continuum.


"I am proud to see the huge enterprise being built here," said the minister at the end of his visit. "Remarkable things are being done here, and I would like to assist in every way that I can to develop these programs."


The minister expressed his full support for the center and assured that the ministry will do everything within its power to assist and support the organization's activities.


Rabbi Shimon Levy, CEO of Seeach Sod, concluded, "The field of Charedi culture is far deeper and more extensive than most of the world assumes. This is an important field that comprises many social and communal activities which contribute significantly to the population of individuals with disabilities. We will do everything possible to bring the most professional aspects of all areas to our institutions, and are pleased to hear that the government offices are attentive to assisting in the most important matters in Israeli society."



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