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HomeNewsThe Elul Zeman Begins
Monday, 20 November 2023 10:21

The Elul Zeman Begins

Yeshivah Otzar HaTorah proudly marks the start of the "Elul zeman" with growth and expansion.


With the start of the Elul zeman, the yeshivah emphasizes the professional quality of the learning, the advancement of each student's abilities and the customization of the learning program to each and every student as evident throughout the summer, and which resulted in significant achievements among the boys.


The long summer months allowed the yeshivah team to advance significant long-term processes and to instill learning skills in a variety of life areas. This was in addition to the well-structured daily routine in yeshivah which is built upon professional learning foundations fully adapted to each student's personal strengths and capabilities.


Special emphasis was placed during the summer months on a Torah-true atmosphere and a warm, supportive yeshivah environment, while building connections with the community, engendering emotional fortitude in the students for optimal integration into the community, and fostering a sense of belonging.


The Maavarim program was also exceptionally successful. Upon completing their years of study in the yeshivah, the graduates underwent a comprehensive, professional mapping of their skill sets for gradual, tailored employment integration guided by a dedicated team to ensure a good future with optimal quality of life.


The training apartment program too, aimed for students learning in yeshivah, also yielded excellent results.  A mother of one of the students shared, "Staying in the apartment once a week opened a door to him … and a sense of success in many functional areas as part of the apartment's daily routine."


Parents of students in Seeach Sod's yeshivah are also familiar with the extensive, professional support system provided to the parents and family members by Legadlem, an offshoot of Seeach Sod which provides, among other things, guidance and counseling by the yeshivah's multidisciplinary staff, vacations, and diverse experiences.


Following the great success in the opening of the youth classes, their optimal integration into the yeshivah, and the full professional education provided to them during the past school year, the yeshivah is now preparing to absorb additional young students and opening another classroom for those seeking excellent professional education in a vibrant, yeshivah-style environment.