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HomeNewsProfessional DevelopmentAnnual Staff Conference in memory of Seeach Sod's founder R' Dov Levy z"l

Annual Staff Conference in memory of Seeach Sod's founder R' Dov Levy z"l


Our 750 staff members each do an incredible job here at Seeach Sod.


However, each staff member is doing his or her job in his or her department…but rarely do staff members have the opportunity to see the entire picture of Seeach Sod as a whole unit. Unless one is sitting at the top, it is difficult to appreciate the magnitude of what Seeach Sod is doing in Jerusalem.  As much as we publicize our work in the outside world, we thought to take a day to reveal what we do and how we do it…to our own staff!


On the Yertzeit of Seeach Sod's founder, Rabbi Dov Levy, Seeach Sod held an annual staff conference. All male staff members from Seeach Sod had a complete tour of all our sites, building and programs. This created tremendous awareness in the greater picture of what Seeach Sod is doing, unity between the staff members and their departments, as well a deep appreciation for Rabbi Dov Levy Zt'l in how he made Yesh MiAyin (something from nothing) literally. The "Yesh" today consists of  nearly 1,000 participating students in our extensive programming.


The day was a total success and the staff's feedback was extraordinary. The staff reclaimed their commitment, awe in the work they do and it gave them inspiration as well as the feeling of being a part of a greater whole. They had transportation to and from each site as well as a beautiful lunch in our men's living facility in Har Nof, where they shared thoughts on the days program.


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