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Adults Shabbaton

Mr. Avrumi Stein, coordinator of the Supported Employment branch of the Vocational Training Program, arranged a Shabbaton in Moshav Beit Chilkiya for his hard-working boys. The boys in this group work in business or public establishments such as bakeries, hospitals, supermarkets, and City Hall. The boys enjoyed a refreshing, well-deserved break from their busy workweek, in the rural setting of Beit Chilkiya.


Throughout Shabbos, the boys enjoyed davening in the local shul, the uplifting singing, the warm sense of unity and an inspiring talk on the subject of emunah. On Motzai Shabbos, a symposium was held where each boy introduced himself, spoke about his job and workplace and discussed the importance of an employee's responsibility.

At the end of the program, a campaign was announced, encouraging the boys to save 50 NIS from their monthly salary towards another weekend getaway in a few months.


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