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Mothers trip to Ukraine

150  Mothers from Seeach Sod go on three day trip to Ukraine


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Monday, June 17th: 4 AM
Jerusalem, Israel

150 mothers from Seeach Sod arrive at Seeach Sod’s main campus on Yirmiyahu Street, luggage in hand, passports in their pockets, ready to go.



Monday, June 17th: 8 AM
Ben Gurion airport, Israel
The mothers + 15 staff members get on plane to Ukraine for a three day Kivrei Tzadikim trip. 75 of the women have never been on a plane in their life so the excitement is tangible.



Monday, June 17th 2:00
Zhytomyr, Ukraine
The women arrive in Zhytomyr. There the group visits an orphanage run by Chabbad.  The orphanage staff invited our mothers as their guests and our mothers were amazed to see this home, filled with children of all ages, being taken care of physically, educationally, spiritually and psychologically in this home. The building is huge with an exquisite view and scenic surroundings. Rav Vilahem, the Chabbad director of the orphanage, speaks to the mothers about what it means to take care of every single Jewish child in need. He explains that in Ukraine there are many drunks and un-responsible parents and many of the kids actually do have parents, but they can’t take care of them. This orphanage takes the children into the home from the streets or their abusive/neglected homes and gives them an opportunity for a real life.  The mothers, seeing some of these kids as young as two years old, suddenly realize that their special needs children are not the only kids in the world who are suffering.  


Monday, June 17th 5:00 PM
Berdychiv, Ukraine
The women arrive in Berdychiv.  They visit an old Jewish cemetery followed by davening (praying) at the Tzion (grave) of Rabbi Levy Yitzchak M’Berdychiv .


Chilek Frank, a well-known Israeli clarinetist, along with his wife and son joined the trip to sing, play music, speak  and give chizzuk to the mothers. Chilek and his son play really inspirational music at Berdychiv with really strong words giving strength to the mothers. At one point in his talk, he says that the mother’s prayers are very special to Hashem because of their difficult test. Immediately afterwards, a mother says, “May you never know the experience!” ...which is when he shares that he too has a special needs daughter in Seeach Sod.


Berdychiv is not only beautiful, but extremely meaningful and the songs played by Chilek and his son open the hearts of these women, inviting clogged springs of tears into the room. The room is crowded because of the  small size and it is raining outside, but the music played by his clarinet uplifts the souls of each woman present.


Monday, June 17th 9:00 PM
The mothers were given a big surprise. The CEO of the chain supermarket Yaish in Israel happened to have been on the plane with the mothers on the way to Ukraine, and he was so touched by their taking the time off from their busy lives to visit Kivrei Tzadikim, that he gave each of the 150 mothers a $100 voucher to use at any store. Rabbi Shimon Levy, the CEO of Seeach Sod, arranges with a mall to open after hours and our mothers fill the mall, and fill their bags, with $100 worth of….toys! The mothers decide to bring home games and toys home for their children back in Israel.


Monday, June 17th, Midnight
Medzhybiz, Ukraine

The  women arrive  a bit after midnight at Medzhybiz and enjoy a lavish dinner with a huge display of food. They sleep in a Jewish guest house that is beautiful and comfortable! 

Tuesday, June 18th, 8:00 AM

After a good night sleep, the women wake up to an amazing breakfast display.


Tuesday, June 18th, 9:30 AM

The women enter the kever of the Baal Shem Tov, which is next door to the inn. After a heartfelt tefillah, all the women get on horse and buggy ride to the Shul of the Baal Shem Tov which is ten minutes away from his kever. At the home, Chilik Frank does another musical performance with beautiful words of strength. The women then go to the famous maayan (water springs) of the Baal Shem Tov. It's said that one who uses the water from the springs, their dreams will come true.


Tuesday, June 18th, 6:00 PM
Uman, Ukraine

After four hours of traveling,  the women arrive in Uman.  First stop: Sophia Park. The view, the forest, and the water are simply beautiful and the women take some time to walk around and enjoy the scenery before entering the Tzion of of Rebbe Nachman. Yechil Frank then sings the entire Tikkun Klali with his clarinet and they finish the day with a lavish dinner in Uman.


Tuesday, June 18th, 11:30 PM
Kiev, Ukraine
After many emotional hours of Tefillah, song, and connection, the women arrive at their hotel in Kiev.


Wednesday, June 19th, 8:30 AM
Delicious breakfast served at hotel.


Wednesday, June 19th, 9:30 AM
The women first go to the last President of Ukraine’s house. He had taken the money from the people, before being kicked out of office two years ago, to build a  most magnificent mini-palace all made of gold. EVERYTHING in the house is gold and most of the women have never experienced such visions of royalty in their lives! They walk the beautiful grounds, and are simply in awe of the magnificence that they are witnessing.


Wednesday, June 19th, 1:30 PM

A beautiful and delicious  goodbye lunch- a Misibat Preida- is held where Rav Levy speaks giving tremendous validity to these mothers difficult lives caring for special needs children all hours of the day and night.  Some mothers speak of their meaningful experiences of the trip. Chilik Frank ends the lunch with meaningful words and music to take back home.


Wednesday, June 19th, 4:30 PM

Quick last stop: The mothers go to an hour performance at a dolphin aquarium where they enjoy a lively and fun  water show!


Wednesday, June 19th, 9:30 PM
The women arrive at the Ukrainian airport filled spiritually, with joy and appreciation!