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HomeNewsRespite and TripsSummer camp in Ma'oz Yerushalayim

Summer camp in Ma'oz Yerushalayim

In Israel, schools organize a sleepover mid-summer get away ….so naturally, so do we! And "מחנה", as it's called, finally arrived for our 40 girls in Maoz Yerishalyim, from 6th grade and up!


On the first day, the girls went to an amusement park called "Superland" in Rishon Litzion! They went on the rides and had a SUPER good time! They had a special lunch at the park and afterwards, the students all tired out, got on busses to our Nafshon; Seeach Sod's mini-hotel. There, they had a grand sleep-over party! The girls had a whole evening  filled with scheduled games, movies and fun! For dinner, they had a BBQ with music and a Kumzitz with guitars on the roof of Seeach Sod! 

The next day, after a gourmet breakfast,  they had a treasure hunt on campus, that involved finding puzzle pieces and they had to put them together to create a giant puzzle!

After lunch, everyone prepared for a Chinese auction and each class had to create a substantial gift and rap it beautifully. Then every class placed their "gift contribution" in the lottery and each class got a gift that was made by another class. 

At the end of the day, each student decorated a really cool lamp light to bring home as a present.

The smiling faces of the girls saying good  bye said everything there is to say. These girls see their sisters and neighbors going to " מחנה " …so they get to do it too!



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