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HomeNewsTours and VisitsThe Erloi Rebbe Joins Students at Kollel Chazon Dov for Tu B’Shvat

The Erloi Rebbe Joins Students at Kollel Chazon Dov for Tu B’Shvat

On the night of Tu B’Shvat, students at Kollel Chazon Dov, staff, and Seeach Sod CEO Rav Shimon Levy were privileged to join a special “fruit tisch” arranged especially for them at the home of the Erloi Rebbe shlita in Katamon. They were joined by chairman of Friends of Seeach Sod Mr. Mordechai Kornet.


Rav Levy told the Rebbe about Seeach Sod’s activities in general, and about Kollel Chazon Dov in particular. The Rebbe expressed his amazement at the extent of Seeach Sod’s services. At the request of the Rebbe, the students sang, and a number of students delivered divrei Torah. The Rebbe was particularly impressed by the special newsletter produced by the students, which made the students burst with pride.


The Rebbe delivered a drasha about the special qualities of Tu B’Shvat, and he distributed fruit from the seven species to the students. The students had the opportunity to speak to the Rebbe about their personal requests, and they were moved by the Rebbe’s blessings.


Throughout the visit, the students at Kollel Chazon Dov experienced the Rebbe’s warm embrace and love for them. It was a visit that will be long remembered.



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