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HomePartnersVisiting Tour GroupsKing Soloman School; 9th graders visit from London

King Soloman School; 9th graders visit from London

On Thursday, July 16, 35 girls and boys from The King Solomon School in London, came to visit Ma'oz Yerushalayim in Ramot as part of their two week trip to Israel.



They had a full  tour of the building including the gym, hydrotherapy pool, diagnostic center etc. They enjoyed refreshments while listening to the personal story of Mrs. Rivka Bersgetin's struggle with her own special needs child. Afterwards, the students were divided up into classrooms for an interactive art project. The energy was amazing as it continued on to a follow-up discussion where the visiting students expressed gratitude for the life they enjoy as normal kids and the gratitude they had for places like Seeach Sod who are dedicated to better the lives of special needs children.

Marcus Mendleson, one of the group's counselors, encouraged the students to carry the inspiration they felt back to London. He empowered them  to do  good deeds in the community and to  take it upon themselves to start a project for Seeach Sod when they get back to London.


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