

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


JWRP visits AGAIN!



On June 28th, 65 women from JWRP came to visit Seeach Sod. The women were from Israel, Philadelphia, PA, Long Island, NY and Rockville, Maryland.  They had a tour of the premises, watched our video and heard some inspiring words from Mrs. Rivka Bergstein. Afterwards they volunteered with our students, doing a project with the ladies and dancing lively with them!


The highlight was when two of our vocational men members, Menachem and Boaz, came to sing for the women! Boaz, a total character (who has down syndrome) told the ladies that he started his own Chabbad house in Seeach Sod and that he was the "CEO"! (And it is true! Well, at least the part that he started a Chabbad house here!) Menachem, who is blind and has CP, sang "Chazanut" and brought the ladies to tears with his strong message, "There is nothing left for you in America! Come make Aliyah!" (I guess he follows American politics!)

The women laughed and cried and most certainly walked out feelings tremendously uplifted!




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