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Seeach Sod Greets University Students in the Meor Internship Program



Thursday, June 15th marked a special day for 25 university students in the Meor internship program under the leadership of Rabbi Sholomo Gershenfeld.



The Meor Internship Program is a two month program for university students to connect to their roots. As part of their program they visited Seeach Sod, and after watching a video and hearing Rivka Bergstein speak, students immediately connected not only to the plight of the special needs individual, but understood the scope of services that Seeach Sod offers them.


Students were then invited to join the Kollel with singing led by Menachem Eisenbach, and had a Chabad experience conducted by Michael Boaz.


The program ended with everyone dancing to the live music of Yanky Engel, and in an atmosphere of life-long friendships.


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