

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000





This week Seeach Sod had the privilege of hosting the Beth Jacob Jerusalem Seminary, one of the top seminaries in the world.


After a tour of the building and an introduction to Seeach Sod and what we do, the girls participated in a program with Menachem and Michael singing. Fayge Brezel spoke on behalf of the mothers of participants in Seeach Sod and stated that one of the main reasons that she and her husband made Aliyah was for their son to attend Seeach Sod. She further said that they have not been disappointed.


Rabbi Shimo Levi, CEO of Seeach Sod had warm words to share with the girls on how honored he was to help parents who called him from all over the world for advice regarding their special needs child. He added how important it is for all of us to help special needs individuals, and stressed that the ongoing goals of Seeach Sod were to continuously improve options for their care.


The Beth Jacob girls along with the Maas B’not of Seeach Sod made a Succos fair with an assortment of decorations for the Sukkah. At the end of the program with excitement levels high, the walls were rocking as 250 girls danced and sang Simchas Torah songs.


Thank you BJJ for bringing so much simcha to our girls! Come back soon!




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