

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


HomePartnersVisiting Tour GroupsJWRP Portland, Oregon and South Florida

JWRP Portland, Oregon and South Florida



On December 5th, we were privileged to host a group of women from Portland, Oregon and South Florida who were visiting Israel on a program run by the Jewish Women’s Rennaissance Project.


The women worked on an art project with women in Seeach Sod’s vocational program and they heard Menachem and Michel sing. The JWRP women, some of whom work with the special needs population in the US, were incredibly moved and wished that they could spend more time at Seeach Sod. They were particularly impressed by the sense that the staff at Seeach Sod has a sense of mission and genuinely care for the students. 



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