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Pesach Prep Program

A big part of Pesach preparations at Seeach Sod was ensuring that all our students would be properly imbued with the knowledge and joy of the upcoming chag. All the various staff members were convened at a special meeting, where Rabbi Shimon Levy shared his vision of the upcoming pre-Pesach day camp: utilizing the time for optimal rehabilitation and recreation, with a focus on enriching the children’s knowledge of Pesach.


“Live it up and learn!” That was the motto that guided the staff members as they put together carefully planned pre-Pesach programs for all the various ages. 


Thus, activities were designed to reinforce the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim and the mitzvos of Pesach: a tour in a matzah bakery, an enactment of krias Yam Suf in the pool, a trip to the Animal Rights Association, musical activities to reflect Shiras Hayam, and a fascinating activity facilitated by the Israel Electric Company corresponding to the plague of darkness!

A key component of the pre-Pesach program’s success was the fact that the activities were planned and executed by the professional speech, physical and occupational therapists, who work with the children all year round, thus ensuring that the children’s rehabilitative progress was not neglected during this hectic season.

With so much hands-on reinforcement, the children were well prepared for the Seder and were able to participate beautifully, whether at home with their families, with their friends in their group apartment, or with fellow guests at the Respite Center. The excitement and familiarity with the various aspects of the Hagaddah and Seder were obvious on hundreds of shining, smiling faces.