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Simchas Beis Hashoayva 5774


On the third day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, we hosted our Annual Simchas Beis Hashoayva at Seeach Sod!





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Where was it?


On the rooftops of Seeach Sod, 31 Yirmiyahu Street, in our Sukkahwhich is the size of the entire roof of our main building!


Who came?


There were over 1000 attendees including: our Seeach Sod student and their families from all over the country; famous big Chassiish Rebbes and Rabbanim including Rabbi Shmuel Orbach, Maran Rishon Litzion Harav Yitzchak Yosef, Rav Azrachi and Rav Finkel from Yishvat Mir; Israeli delegates including the Director of the Ministry of Welfare, the Head of the Ministry of Education, and the Head of Shas political Party; and many more friends, neighbors and affiliates of Seeach Sod.


What happened?


All of the participants danced together for hours in unison, holding hands and taking in the energy of true, unadulterated Simcha!


During the program, some major Rabbinic figures stood up and recited a chapter of Psalms where each chapter was related to a specific department in Seeach Sod.


Additionally, there was live entertainment by the renown Yanki Daskel, Yaniky Rubin, and the Vishnitz Jerusalem Choir, along with our very own Pirchei Seeach choir.


The most touching part of the event was when they all sang together, both choirs and singers, a recently composed song with the lyrics of "Visimachta Bichagecha".


The evening ended with Rabbi Shimon Levy Shlita, the current Menahel (CEO), stating to the public:  "If Seeach Sod is a river, then this Simchas Beis Hashuava is its aqueduct; allowing the energy of the evening to stream into the rest of the year."