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Simchat Beit Hashuava

On Tuesday night of Sukkos, the first night of Chol Hamoade, Seeach Sod held their 10th annual Simchas Beis Hashuava on the rooftops of its main building on Yirmiyahu Street.

An estimated 2,000 men, women and children participated in this grand event!

The orchestra playing on stage was "The Malchut Choir" which included 5 musicians and they played with great enthusiasm from 6pm until after midnight!


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Tzvika Cohen, the Department Head of the adult programming, opened the evening's event and announced that throughout the night, periodically, 15 chapters of Tehilim would be recited corresponding to Seeach Sod's 15 main schools and programs. The audience recited  15 chapters of Tehilim throughout the many hours of dancing  and as they did, pictures of the schools/programs were visually displayed on the main stage, so that the audience could see with their own eyes what the Tehilim was being said for!





The list of Rabbis and dignitaries that attended include, but are not limited to:


Yossi Deutch from the Jerusalem Municipality

Rav Shmuel Aurbach, Gadol Hador

Rav Aryeh Stern, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem

Rav Yisrael Eichler, MK in the Kineset

Rav Elimelech Biderman

Rabbi Yisrael Yifrach

Rabbi Avraham Yosef Leizerson

Rabbi Meir Porush

Harav Yaakov Hilel, Rosh Yeshiva of Ahavat Shalom

The Bostoner Rebbe

Rav Yakov Avaraham Cohen, Rav of Ramat Hatzafon

Harav Binyomin Adler, Head Rabbi of Badatz

Harav Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of Western Wall

Harav Yakov Avraham Hacohen

MK Aryeh Deri, Leader of Shas, Minister of the Interior and Minister of the Development of the Negev and Galilee

MK Yisrael Eichler

MK Uri Maklev

Yitzchak Pindrus, Second to Mayor of the city of Jerusalem



The enormous rooftop metamorphosed into a grand Sukkah with included thousands of men dancing as well as hundreds of seats on bleachers for women and children to sit. There was entertainment throughout the evening of professional jugglers, men who did tricks with fire and dressed in elaborate costumes.


The families, staff, neighbors, supporters and friends of Seeach Sod danced and danced, with electricity in the air, for hours and it went down in history as one of the most incredible Simchas Beis Hashuava's ever to have been experienced at Seeach Sod.


In truth, the pictures say it all!


Simchat Beit Hashuava 2016