

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Chumash Seudah

Chumash Seudah for the First Graders of Otzar Yerushalayim


When Otzar Yerushalyim celebrated a Chumash Seudah for its first graders, the sight alone of the boys dressed in festive clothes with elaborate crowns perched on their heads was adequate proof of the momentousness of this occasion. This moving scene represented the merging of two paths: that of the special-needs child and a milestone that is eagerly celebrated by every Jewish child – entering the world of Torah. Answering questions on Chumash posed to them by their melamed Rabbi Pshitick, the children amazed the audience with their knowledge about the basics of Creation as written in Parshas Bereishis, which they had just begun to learn. The event, which was orchestrated with a lot of effort and creativity on the part of the devoted teacher S. Zaks, included video presentations of the boys involved in Torah and mitzvos and ended with a round of spirited dancing, with the young celebrities held aloft on their fathers’ shoulders.


May the merit of Torah stand them in good stead and help them achieve success in all areas!