

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Siddur Celebrations

As part of the principle that our activities are age and community appropriate, there were siddur celebrations in the first grade classes at Maoz Yerushalayim and Otzar Yerushalayim.


At Maoz Yerushalayim, the girls performed a musical for their mothers. The siddur distribution ceremony was very moving, as each girl was sung a personal song about her strengths. May all their prayers be accepted!


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At Otzar Yerushalayim, there were three celebrations for the three different first grade classes. The celebrations were held together with the students’ mothers and were extremely moving. The students sang and prayed with all of their hearts, and all of the guests joined in! The boys were overjoyed to hold their very own siddurs! In preparation for the big day, the boys learned about different places of prayer, and they traveled to the Kotel and to visit a shul.


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In the merit of their pure prayers, may Hashem provide us with great blessings!