

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000



The Chabad “sheluchim” in Seeach Sod partook in activities at the Chabad Convention that took place in the International Convention Center in honor of 19 Kislev – the day marked in Chabad as “Chag Hageulah”.



The Seeach Sod Chabad House, which is run by a group of bachurim from our Ma’as Center, was established on the initiative of Rabbi Dovid Reicher, coordinator of our special enrichment program.


On 19 Kislev, 5771 (2010) the Seeach Sod alumni took up positions throughout the Convention Center, greeting thousands of guests and distributing welcome kits. The young men’s cordial and dignified manners elicited resounding praise from the convention participants.


May our students continue to sanctify Hashem’s name through their exemplary behavior!



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