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HomeNewsWelcome to First Grade!
Monday, 02 September 2013 08:29

Welcome to First Grade!

Sunday, September 1st was Orientation Day for the new first graders in Seeach Sod’s Early Childhood Division. The girls showed up bright and early, together with their mothers.

Dressed in starched uniform shirts and clutching their brand new knapsacks, their eyes shone with excitement as they took in the scenes of their new “big-girl” classroom, their teachers and classmates. 



 Mrs. S. Schreiber, a talented music and movement teacher, conducted a fun and engaging activity with music and various types of equipment.  Rabbi Shimon Levy welcomed the girls and their mothers and conveyed his wishes for a successful year. While the children acquainted themselves with their new teachers, the mothers were assembled in a nearby room for a workshop by social worker Sarit Sela on how to smooth the transition into First Grade. Before returning home, the mothers had a chance to jot down their hopes and aspirations for their child’s progress in the coming school year – notes that our staff takes very seriously. Each one of our devoted staff members will do their utmost to make sure, with Hashem’s help, that these mothers’ hopes are realized!

Heartfelt good luck wishes to our dear First Graders!


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