

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Seeach Avos

A unique conference for parents of special-needs children took place on 13 Adar, 5771. Over the past few years, the yartzeit of Seeach Sod’s unforgettable founder Rabbi Dov Levy z”l, leading pioneer in the field of special education in the Chareidi world, has been earmarked as a day of enlightening seminars on the topic of special education in the religious world. This year, Seeach Sod announced that the gathering would be geared towards the parents of special needs children. Rabbi Shimon Levy, CEO of Seeach Sod, responded to the repeated requests coming in from fathers – and even mothers, who expressed a strong desire for a seminar that would broaden their knowledge and skills in dealing with their special children.


The seminar committee spent a lot of time and effort choosing and reviewing the topics that would be discussed during the evening. Before the seminar, a questionnaire was sent out to the fathers, allowing them to choose their preferred topics and submit questions that would be addressed at the symposium. These questionnaires enabled the organizing committee to plan the evening so that it would meet the audience’s needs and expectations.


The evening’s program included:


1. Ariveting speech by Rabbi Bauer

2. An impressive performance put up by the bachurim of Otzar Yerushalayim’s yeshivah

3. Aquestion and answer symposium with a panel of professionals including Rabbi Wertheimer, an educational advisor and principal of a Talmud Torah

4. Alecture on the topic of obtaining and utilizing benefits for special-needs children 


The evening concluded with a moving rendition of “Vezakeini l’gadel banim”, performed by the members of our Pirchei Seeach choir, a professional drummer included among them! As the boys sang, a large screen in the background showed videos of Seeach Sod students taking part in activities of Torah and mitzvos, just like the rest of klal Yisrael – a poignant manifestation of the Rabbi Dov Levy’s life-goal and motto.


To book a live performance of the play or to obtain a video of it, please contact us at: 02- 640-5000.



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