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HomeNewsRespite and TripsWinter Camp for the Girls of Ma’oz Yerushalayim

Winter Camp for the Girls of Ma’oz Yerushalayim

The winter camp opened with a special program run by Morah Chasi, after which each girl received her very own handbags. The girls then went off to Beer Sheva, where they enjoyed the activities at the Rail Heritage Museum and had the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu at the Be’er Avraham site. They enjoyed a delicious meal at Park HaPa’amon and returned tired and satisfied to spend the night at the respite center. There, they enjoyed a film and ate a delicious meal.


The next morning, the girls woke up early, cleaned their rooms, and ate a healthy and tasty breakfast. They enjoyed a special program followed by dancing, and they returned to school refreshed and happy.



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