

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000



Vocational Center for Girls

Ashira, as the name connotes, allows special young women to contribute their own unique chords to society’s symphony. In these day-hab programs, the girls master vocational skills, perform tasks, and even earn a salary, giving them the dignity and daily fulfilment that they deserve.



More about Ashira:

Target population: Adult girls with special needs, age 21 and above

Faculty: Certified vocational instructors, coordinators, social workers, psychologist, and therapists for recreational activities


Daily hours:

  8:00 - 14:00 – working hours
14:00 - 17:30  – recreational activities for personal and social enrichment


Number of members: 105 women


Additional Activities: In addition to vocational training, Ashira also provides recreational activities aimed at enhancing the young women’s personalities, further augmenting their integration in the industrial market and society at large. Ashira serves as a warm social haven where activities include Torah shiurim, news updates, art clubs, music, hair parlour training, exercise, home economics, swimming and animal care.


To provide vocational solutions for Seeach Sod alumni, each in accordance to her functional level. There are three levels of occupation:

1. Structured work environment – for women who can perform various assignments in a group manner at the Ashira facility.
2. Working in the Seeach Sod's in-house business –The Lilac Flower Company (on premises) is for women who work independently creating scented soap flower arrangements that are sold all over Jerusalem.
3. Supported work in the free market – for women who are capable of working in the free market and earn a salary as stipulated by the minimum wage law. Some of the companies and businesses that employ Ashira members are:  The Jerusalem Municipality, Beit Cholim Hospital, Gans and Nursing Homes


Ashira – working in harmony!


This Supported Employment Program for Women for 2019-2020 is partially sponsored by: The Jewish Federation of Broward County


Branch Location:
Ha’or 6, Jerusalem



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